Saturday, January 10, 2009

German F122 Frigate pictures

The German Navy has eight f122 Bremen Class frigates. The ship's primary role is for operation within the NATO and German task forces. The ship is designed primarily for anti-surface warfare missions with strong anti-air and anti-submarine warfare capability.

The Bremen has two four-cell Harpoon RGM-84 anti ship missile, with active radar seeker and range of 130km.

The ship's point defence system is based on the medium range NATO Seasparrow surface-to-air missile launched from two Mark 29 eight-cell launchers and the short range RAM (Rolling Airframe)RIM-116A missile. supplied by Raytheon and RAM Systems GmbH

The ship is equipped with a 76mm Oto Melara anti-air and anti-surface gun. The gun is capable of a firing rate up to 85 rounds/min to a range of more than 15km. Two 20mm guns model Rh202 from Rheinmetal are installed port and starboard.

two 324 mm Mark 32 twin torpedo tubes and eight DM 4A1 or Mark 46 Mod 2 torpedoes from ATK (AlliantTechsystems).

Displacement: 3,680 tonnes
Length: 130.50m
Beam: 14.60m
Draft: 6.30m
Propulsion: CODOG (Combined diesel or gas)
2 MTU 20V956 TB92 diesel engines
2 General Electric LM2500 gas turbines
Speed: 30 knots

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