Monday, January 12, 2009

Chilean Scorpene class diesel-electric submarine photos

The Chilean navy french made Scorpene class ss O'Higgins and ss Carrera are a class of diesel-electric attack submarine. The 1,500t Scorpene built for the Chilean Navy has a length of 66.4m. It features diesel propulsion and an additional air-independent propulsion AIP
The Chilean Scorpene have a hull-mounted medium-frequency active / passive sonar. The vessels are armed with WASS (Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subaquei) Black Shark heavyweight torpedoes.

The Whitehead Black Shark heavyweight torpedoes is a dual-purpose, wire-guided torpedo which is fitted with Astra active / passive acoustic head and a multi-target guidance and control unit incorporating a counter-countermeasures system. It has an electrical propulsion system based on a silver oxide and aluminium battery.

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