Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HMS Surprise Sailing Ship wallpapers

This tall ship was built as a replica of an 18th century Royal Navy frigate,The SURPRISE was a near-exact replica of the 6th-rate frigate of the same name which served the British Navy with distinction in the American War of Independence. Her most distinguished action dates from 1799, when she was commanded by Captain Edward Hamilton. The crew of the frigate HMS Hermione had mutinied under great provocation, murdered their officers and handed their ship over to the Spanish, who had her moored under very strong guard at Puerto Cabello on the Spanish American coast. Nonetheless, boats from Surprise succeeded in cutting out Hermione and restoring her to the King's service


  1. HMS SURPRISE was actually built and launched as a replica of the Royal Navy frigate HMS ROSE. ROSE was built in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia in 1975 for the US bicentenial in 1976. She was renamed SURPRISE by the studio which bought her for the film "Master and Commander".

  2. HMS Rose was a 20-gun sixth-rate frigate of the Royal Navy, built in Hull, England in 1757. Her activities in suppressing smuggling in the colony of Rhode Island provoked the formation of what became the Continental Navy, precursor of the modern United States Navy. In the Seven Years' War, Rose was in service in the Channel and in the Caribbean. In 1768, she was sent to the North American station.
    HMS Rose replica
    In 1970 a replica of HMS Rose, designed by Phil Bolger, was built in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia. She was used for display and sail training until 2001 when she was purchased by Fox Studios, sailed to Southern California and altered to resemble HMS Surprise for the Peter Weir movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, based on the books by Patrick O'Brian.

    She is currently owned by the San Diego Maritime Museum. The museum's volunteer crew is giving her an extensive refit. She returned to the Maritime Museum in March 2007 to complete preparation for sailing.
